Saturday 14 April 2012

My Final Comments On Beijing

I think that Beijing was an awesome place. Way bigger than Singapore , but of course , I still feel better in Singapore. I have the 'HOMED' kind of feeling when I finally reached Singapore. I had fun in Beijing. It's totally memorable . I love the friendliness of Beijing people. I hope I would be able to visit Beijing again ! (: 


The culture I've tried immersing myself into ~

The times , at Beijing , I've been trying to be like any one of them. I wanted to be PART of them. I knew that the only way to understand their thoughts and actions , was to try immersing myself into their culture. Their culture is obviously not same as ours , but I don't mind trying . 

Firstly , I had to try to keep on speaking in their language. They spoke in Cantonese , Hokkien , Chinese and some others . And obviously they wouldn't understand if i spoke in English or Singlish ! 

Secondly , I had to hold the chopsticks properly there , in a restaurant. Otherwise , I won't be able to eat . I was terrified as i couldn't hold it well. But at the end of the day , I could master the way of holding the chopsticks !

Lastly , it was time to talk about manners ! Since young , I've never called anybody to eat before I eat. As in , I didn't address people who are older than me , before I start eating. Yes , I know it's rude , but i was brought up that way . I did not have anyone to call , before I eat , and that is because I don't usually eat with my parents. When I was in Beijing , my mother asked her friends out to eat with us. There was about 14 of them. And that's crazy ! I had to address them , and my family members , before I eat . But well , I survived through it ! 


Thursday 12 April 2012

Transport Systems In Beijing

In Beijing , I used 6 types of transports !!

- Train
- Public Bus
- Taxi
- Bicycle
- Boat
- Walking

The train's speed in Beijing was totally ... FAST. It was way faster than Singapore's MRT ! It's quite safe though !

The public bus in Beijing is really AWESOME ! I didn't have to squeeze onto the bus !! The people there were very polite , they thought of others before themselves (: unlike typical singaporeans , so 'kiasu' , which also means that we always tend to think of ourselves before others.

The Taxi there is exactly like Singapore's ! obviously !

I took the bicycles , to visit Beijing's Hutongs !

I had rides on boat , to travel from places to places. Boats at Beijing made me felt like puking . I don't like taking boats , because I will feel sea-sick , and I will feel restless.

AND LASTLY , WALKING !! I had to walk very long distances to visit the place I planned to go.

The Local People I Interacted With In Beijing

Early in the morning , Beijing's elderly can be seen in mass heading to Beijing's parks , squares and the historical Temple of Heaven to do their morning exercises ! They can be seen in groups practising tai chi , performing martial arts or doing Yangge ( A LOCAL DANCE ) !! People who lives in Beijing , usualky stays in Hutongs , which is like a courtyard homes. People living there , had lived there for generations, hence they all know each other. 

I had interacted with a young girl in Beijing . She's an orphan . She told me that her parents were drug addicts , due to the stress they had gotten from work. 

I had interacted with a lady who was in her early thirties. She told me that Beijing was not her original country. She also added that people in Beijing were sociable when she first came. She thought it was going to be tough , but people staying the area near her , was exceptionally kind , welcoming and funny.


They were really good to me too , when I wasn't sure on how to get to the place where I want to be , they guided me along. I guess , most of the people there , are kind , helpful and welcoming ! (:

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Local Delicacies In Beijing That I've Tried !

During my journey to places of attraction on the second day , I stopped by many restaurants and hotels to eat. I had Beijing Roast Duck. At first , I did not wanted to try , however , the waitress at the restaurant strongly recommended and encouraged me to try. After I had tried , I was totally amazed by it's tempting colour , crispy skin and tender meat. I had my Beijing Roast Duck at Quanjude , one of the two famous Roast Duck restaurants.

On the third day , I had Beijing Hot Pot (huoguo) , it was delicious ! The waiter at the restaurant told me the history of Beijing Hot Pot. It originated from Mongolia and the brass pot used was specially made due to the heat.

I took some beautiful and awesome photos of the Beijing Roast Duck. Check it out ! (:

This is my portion of the Beijing Roast Duck ! :D It looked so delicious! 

This is my parents' portion ! 
It looked so yummy that even thinking of it now , I feel like eating it !

This was the whole entire Roast Duck before the waitress cut the meat out for us ! (:

Here are some photos I took of my Hot Pot ! :D

I was putting my sliced chicken meat into my personal hot pot ! 

This is what was served ! It looks so pretty !

This hot pot is shared between my parents ! They had lots of vegetables , and I did not like it.

Second Place Of Attractions I Visited : The Forbidden City ~

Information on The Forbidden City ...

The Forbidden City in Beijing is China's largest imperial palace. Forbidden City was a home for 24 emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The last resident was the last emperor of China , Puyi. For the first time in 500 years , ordinary people could enter after it had been turned into a museum, Forbidden City had almost 1000 rooms. The palace was so private that outsiders did not even know about the life of the officials , concubines , emperors , eunuchs.


There's a bridge that we have to cross , to get near to the palace (:

There are actually many ways to get to the Forbidden City.

This is how the Forbidden City looks like at night !

There were many people trying to visit that area. As it was a wonderful chance to ever get into a place where the emperors and high officials had stayed at.


Do continue checking for updates. I will be talking about the Local Delicacies I've tried in Beijing ! (:

The Great Wall Of China

Let me share about the history of the Great Wall Of China ...

The Great Wall of China was built over 2000 years , by Qin Shi Huang , the first emperor of China during Qin dynasty. Back then , China had 7 powerful states. Qin Shi Huang absorbed the 6 other powerful states and set up the first unified kingdom in Chinese history. Qin Shi Huang then , connected all the walls that were built by the other states , to strengthen the denfence of China.

Here are some COOL facts about the Great Wall of China ...

1)The Great Wall of China is about 8851,8 km. 

2) The Great Wall of China is able to be seen from the Earth Orbit

Check out the photos of the Great Wall of China!

This is how the Great Wall of China looks like while you are walking down the steps (:

This was taken before I started my journey on the Great Wall of China (:

                         This is how the Great Wall of China looks like from the Bird's Eye View !

That's all for the day !! Do check out for new updates ! I'll be sharing my visit to The Forbidden City!